Client: SCRIPT - LTETT Duration: 3 hours Analog graphic recording
The Mycelium Blog
Company news, cutting-edge regenerative research, reports, essays, PDFs and other content.
Eng Gemeng fir jiddereen » – Gemeinwohlökonomie Mertzig
Le 4 décembre, j'ai eu le plaisir de réaliser un graphic recording de la cérémonie de clôture / de la conférence de presse retransmise en direct du projet Gemeinwohlökonomie (économie pour le bien commun) de Mertzig. Je me suis inspirée des figures élégantes de Kelvy...
Launch of Communities for Future
I did the graphic recording (circa 3 hours) for this online launch of Communities for Future. Here are a couple of pictures resulting from the graphic. Somehow I ended up with very bold colours, hopefully indicative of the boldness of communities across Europe and...
Collaboration Between Community-Led Initiatives and Local Authorities
This Ecovillage Transition in Action Online Webinar focused on Strengthening collaboration between community-led initiatives and local authorities for regional sustainability. This was one webinar that happened in the context of the launch of Communities for...