The Mycelium Blog
News, cutting-edge regenerative research, reports, essays, PDFs and other content.
Eng Gemeng fir jiddereen » – Gemeinwohlökonomie Mertzig
Le 4 décembre, j'ai eu le plaisir de réaliser un graphic recording de la cérémonie de clôture / de la conférence de presse retransmise en direct du projet Gemeinwohlökonomie (économie pour le bien commun) de Mertzig. Je me suis inspirée des figures élégantes de Kelvy...
Launch of Communities for Future
I did the graphic recording (circa 3 hours) for this online launch of Communities for Future. Here are a couple of pictures resulting from the graphic. Somehow I ended up with very bold colours, hopefully indicative of the boldness of communities across Europe and...
Collaboration Between Community-Led Initiatives and Local Authorities
This Ecovillage Transition in Action Online Webinar focused on Strengthening collaboration between community-led initiatives and local authorities for regional sustainability. This was one webinar that happened in the context of the launch of Communities for...
Paradiesgaart Design
I am currently working on a permaculture concept design for a large garden in the city, choosing many pollinator-friendly plants that are also harmoniously integrating into the landscape and providing beauty.
Resilience Café
Pandemics change business-as-usual overnight. Even if you never had to think about resilience, now is probably the time. Change is inevitable and yes, desired. What are the next steps to build up and increase the resilience of our societies globally, but also at our...
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