Our Work 

We work towards a world in which all living beings are enabled to flourish within diverse territories and healthy relationships. Driven by this vision, our agency offers design strategies and training opportunities that aim to regenerate both ecological and social relationships.

An Overview of our Services


Trainings and Learning Opportunities

We provide permaculture, regeneration and practical sustainability training, as well as resilience capacity building.


Live Graphic Recording

Draw out all the potential and wisdom in your team in a visual and connected way.

Our Process in Detail

Training & Learning Opportunities

We provide permaculture, regeneration and practical sustainability trainings, as well as resilience capacity building.

We have over a decade of experience in training teenagers and adults  and love inclusive teaching and practice-based, playful, yet deep transformational training that empowers all participants.

We provide permaculture, regeneration and practical sustainability trainings, as well as resilience and community engagement with regards to the critical path humanity is currently on.

We organise leadership retreats for those companies and organisations that want to lead regenerative change more effectively.

The courses we offer every year in French and English are:

  • Introduction to Permaculture Design
  • Permaculture Design Certificate
  • Collaborative Governance
  • Local Resilience Desig

We run bespoke trainings to develop such skill sets as:

  • Basic ecological design skills
  • Practical resilience skills (gardening, compost, food preservation methods, self-build, agroforestry)
  • Collaboration skills (governance, meetings, decision-making, collective intelligence, continued engagement)
  • Advanced design skills

To stay informed about our upcoming training and events, sign up our newsletter.

Live Graphic Recording


We offer live graphic recording so as to draw out all the potential and wisdom in your team in a visual and connected way.

Live graphic recording (also referred to as visual harvesting or graphic facilitation, etc.) involves capturing people’s ideas and expressions in words, images and colour as they are being spoken in the moment. Everyone in the room sees and experiences this live visualisation and can be a part of it. It is exactly this connectedness that allows them to see more, connect the dots, gain insights and enable sound decision-making.

Graphic recording supports the work of the facilitator and/or event manager in a cooperative way. We use a 3 metre long graphic wall. We also require a well-lit space of at least 4×2 m on the ground, ideally a few metres away from the public. We currently only offer analog graphic facilitation services, but can refer you to colleagues that are using digital graphic recording techniques.

Contact us to discuss ways in which graphic recording might enhance your event. Check our blog for examples of live graphic recording.

Partners & Clients

Connect with us

For general inquiries, please get in touch through the form so we can be at your service.